Kamis, 24 September 2020

What day is today?

Today is....

hello everyone..

today we are going to learn how to tell the day, in a week there were 7 days, 

they are : 

Sunday         : Minggu
Monday        : Senin
Tuesday        : Selasa
Wednesday   : Rabu
Thursday      : Kamis
Friday           : Jumat
Saturdy         : Sabtu

e.g.  Today is monday, next day is Tuesday
        Today is sunday, 3 days later is wednesday
        Today is friday, tomorrow is Saturday

What date Is Today?

Jika kita berbicara tangal, maka tentu kita berbicara tentang bulan
so we re going to talk how many months in a year?
12 months.. good
and they are : 

January    has 31 days
February    has 28/29 days
March    has 31 days
April    has 30 days
May    has 31 days
June    has 30 days
July    has 31 days
August    has 31 days
September    has 30 days
October    has 31 days
November     has 30 days
December    has 31 days

in telling date, tell the months first, date next..
the dates re using ordinal Number..

setelah mengetahui ordinal number, ingat  maka tentu kita berbicara tentang bulan
e.g. tanggal 12 september maka : September twelfth
e.g. tanggal 08 desember maka : December eighth
e.g. tanggal 17 Agustus maka : August seventeenth 

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