What Does all do ? Menceritakan apa yang dilakukan orang/hewan

What does He do?
What does She do?
What does it do?

This time we are going to learn about 'telling or inform what an or more objects usually do by identifying their habits.
(saat ini kita akan belajar tentang memceritakan atau menginformasikan sebuah atau lebih object yang biasa dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kebiasaan/tingkah lakunya) 

What does the teacher do?                               
The teacher teaches the students
The teacher asks the students
The teacher does a zoom meeting                      

What does a student do?

  • the students do the home work
  • the students go to school
  • the students study hard
  • the students answer the question
  • the students read a book

What does a dog do?  

  • a dog barks
  • the dog likes to play
  • the dog likes to eat meat 

what does a monkey do?
  • a monkey likes to climb
  • the monkeys eat banana
  • the monkey jumps of branches 

what does the tiger do?

  • the tiger sleeps over 6 hours
  • the tiger hunts for a meal
  • a tiger Roars
  • the tiger runs in the forest

to tell it, we can use Adverb Of Frequent

  • Always = selalu
  • Never = tidak pernah
  • Usually = biasanya
  • Rarely = jarang
  • Seldom = jarang
  • Often = sering

For Instance : the dog always barks at the night

                the dog always plays🐶

                the dog always likes to eat bone

A police often seizures the vehicle 👮

The teacher usually gives a task 💂

My mother always gets up at 5 am everymorning 👩

The Task

  1. What does the doctor do?
  2. What does the Pilot do?
  3. What does A President do?
  4. What does a Police do?
  5. What do the chickens do?
  6. What does a cat do?
  7. What does a Rabbit do?
  8. What do our Parents do?
  9. What does a Seller do?
  10. What do you do?


  1. 1.The Doctor Cure The Patient
    2.The Pilot Drives An Airplane
    3.The President Lead His Country
    4.The Police Protect Us
    5.Chicken Likes Flap The Wing
    6.Cat Likes Scratching The Body
    7.Rabbit Likes Jumping
    8.Our Parents Always Educate Us
    9.Seller Always Telling Their Product
    10.I Likes Playing Game

    1. Nama:Suligan Gultom
      Kelas:VII g

      1.The doctor treants his patient
      2.the pilot is driving the airplane
      3.the president takes care of the country
      4.the police take care of us all
      5.chicken often forage
      6.cat often play
      7.rabbit eat carrots
      8.our parents always look after us
      9.seller always offer their sales
      10.I likes playing

    2. Anggi Ritonga
      Doctor diagnose and treat medical conditions
      •Doctor treat those who have admitted or referred
      to hospital
      2.•Pilot drive the plane
      •Pilot take the people to their destination
      3.•President has a responsibillity to take care the
      •President also must lead the countries to the
      right way
      4.•To take care people from criminals
      •Investigate the criminals
      5.•To lay the eggs
      •Being alternatife alarm
      6.•To be our friends when we were bored
      7.•Can play with us if we have no friend to play
      8.•To take care of us
      •To give us love
      9.•To sell the product
      10.•Study or do my task
      •Play with my phone

    3. 1.The doctor treants his patient
      2.the pilot is driving the airplane
      3.the president takes care of the country
      4.the police take care of us all
      5.chicken often forage
      6.cat often play
      7.rabbit eat carrots
      8.our parents always look after us
      9.seller always offer their sales
      10.I likes playing

    4. Nama: Vincent Dinata Huang
      Kelas:VII E

      1.The doctor treants his patient
      2.the pilot is driving the airplane
      3.the president takes care of the country
      4.the police take care of us all
      5.chicken often forage
      6.cat often play
      7.rabbit eat carrots
      8.our parents always look after us
      9.seller always offer their sales
      10.I likes playing

    5. 1.doctors help to treat and cure
      2.pilots fly the plane
      3.the president helps people build developed countries
      4.the police are patrol every day
      5.the ckickens clowing every morning
      6.cat like to score
      7 jump
      8.look after her son
      9 selly their product
      10.swimming every weeks or marato

    6. Mikha
      Vii G

      1.take care the patient
      2.driving the plane
      3.welfare of the country
      4.keep the country
      5.keep yhe eggs
      6.playing ball of yarn
      7.eating carrot
      8.look after the son
      9.sell the product.
      10.i likes watch anime and reading comics

    7. Alfado.s
      Vll G

      1.the doctor work hard to di eyes.
      2.the pilot files airplane.
      3.the presiden is in proctet charger leader
      4.the police are patrol.
      5.chiken eat seeds
      6.cat like stuff
      8. My pranstase after day
      9.seller the setting
      10.l am watching YouTube.

  2. 1.doctors help to treat and cure
    2.pilots fly the plane
    3.the president helps people build developed countries
    4.the police are patrol every day
    5.the ckickens clowing every morning
    6.cat like to score
    7 jump
    8.look after her son
    9 selly their product
    10.swimming every weeks or maraton

  3. Jane Earlene viid
    1. The doctor working hard to do cure Eye.
    2. The pilot made the airplane survived.
    3. The police catch the thief.
    4. The president doing the job of Protection indonesia'n name.
    5. Chiken like eat worms.
    6. The cat like playing with
    7. A rabbit like eat carrot.
    8. Other mother is so kind.
    9. The seller sells a good product.
    10. Me always online zoom

  4. 1.The Dddoctor Cure the patient
    2.The Pilot driving a plane
    3.Te President govern a country
    4.Police investigate cases and catch criminals
    5.Chiken like to crowing
    6.Cat likes to meowing or scrathing his body
    7.Rabbit like to jumps
    8.Our parents love, protect and teach us
    9.sellers peddle their stuff
    10.I was doing task

  5. Malfinsen
    1.doctor invents potions
    2.Pilot drives aeroplanes
    3.The president is managing the country
    4.The police investigates reported cases
    5.The chicken lays eggs
    6.The cat scratches stuff
    7.The rabbit jump around
    8. Our parents is managing their own family
    9.Seller promotes his/her product to the consumer
    10.Im doing my school task

  6. 1. The doctor check patient health
    2. The pilot brings the people to the country safely
    3. The president protect the citizens
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chickens eat seeds
    6. The cat is licking its fur
    7. The rabbit eats carrot
    8. Our parents are taking care of us
    9. The seller is setting the things
    10. I am watching Youtobe

  7. Vikent Valentino
    1. The doctor check patient health
    2. The pilot brings the people to the country safely
    3. The president protect the citizens
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chickens eat seeds
    6. The cat is licking its fur
    7. The rabbit eats carrot
    8. Our parents are taking care of us
    9. The seller is setting the things
    10. I am watching Youtobe


  8. Katherine Wijaya
    1. The doctor treats the patien. Doctor also consult patien's health
    2. The pilot deive the plane to the destination
    3. The president is in charge of being the leader for his country
    4. The police control the traffic
    5. The chickens like to crows in the morning
    6. Cats like to steal fish
    7. Rabbit like to jumping around
    8. Parents protect their children and also give love to their children
    9. The seller sell his product to the costumer
    10. I'm doing my taks while listening to songs now

  9. a doctor takes care of his patients

  10. 1. Doctor heals the sick people.
    2. The pilot flies Airplane.
    3. A Prisedent leads the state.
    4. The Police catches criminal.
    5. The chickens lay eggs.
    6. The cat chase a mouse.
    7. A rabbit hops on the grass.
    8. Our Parents take care of us.
    9. The seller sells good things.
    10. I am reading books.

    1. aldo7C
      1. Doctor heals the sick people.
      2. The pilot flies Airplane.
      3. A Prisedent leads the state.
      4. The Police catches criminal.
      5. The chickens lay eggs.
      6. The cat chase a mouse.
      7. A rabbit hops on the grass.
      8. Our Parents take care of us.
      9. The seller sells good things.
      10. I am reading books

  11. Olivia Panggabean
    1. The docter heal the sick
    2. The pilot Driving a plane
    3. The president keep his country safe
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chicken like to crowing in the morning
    6. The cat like to eat a fish
    7. The Rabbit like to eat a carrot
    8. Our parents always educate their children
    9. Sellers like to sell his wares
    10. I was doing homework and help my parents

  12. heal the sick people
    Professional pilots fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters, and other types of aircraft
    The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws.
    Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities
    chickens can produce eggs that we can consume
    Usually cats like to spend time with their owners and if the wild cats usually looks for food for its own family
    rabbit like jump and eat carrot
    my family while looking for money to pay for my family life
    selling goods and promoting the items being sold
    do my homework

    1. Name:Jonathan Sergio.
      Class:VII E.
      1.The Doctor always cure and check sick persob
      2.the pilots is Always drive the plane
      3.The president always puild up his people
      4.The Police Always Guard the road
      5.The chiken is often singing
      6.the cat is always talk meow
      7.The rabbits always jump
      8.My parent are cooking lunch
      9.The Seller always promote the merchandise
      10.I am Working The Task

  13. Name: Viona
    Class: VII C
    - -
    What does the doctor do?
    a. The doctor always examines the patients
    b. The doctor treats her/ his patients
    - -
    What does the pilot do?
    a. The pilot flies the plane
    b. -
    - -
    What does a president do?
    a. The president leads the country
    b. -
    - -
    What does a police do?
    a. Police catch criminals
    b. Police provide protection
    - -
    What do the chickens do?
    a. The chickens crow in the morning
    b. The chickens lay egg
    - -
    What does a cat do?
    a. The cat meows
    b. The cat likes to scratch
    - -
    What does a Rabbit do?
    a. Rabbit likes to eat carrots
    b. The rabbit always jumps
    - -
    What do our Parents do?
    a. Our parents are always working
    b. Our parents look after us
    - -
    What does a Seller do?
    a. The seller sells the product
    b. -
    - -
    What do you do?
    a. I usually play games
    b. I study / do my assignments

  14. Valen putri /7D
    1.•Doctor diagnose and treat medical conditions
    •Doctor treat those who have admitted or referred
    to hospital
    2.•Pilot drive the plane
    •Pilot take the people to their destination
    3.•President has a responsibillity to take care the
    •President also must lead the countries to the
    right way
    4.•To take care people from criminals
    •Investigate the criminals
    5.•To lay the eggs
    •Being alternatife alarm
    6.•To be our friends when we were bored
    7.•Can play with us if we have no friend to play
    8.•To take care of us
    •To give us love
    9.•To sell the product
    10.•Study or do my task
    •Play with my phone

  15. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  16. 1.Doctors treat sick patients
    2.Pilot flies the plane
    3.President issues orders and makes people prosperous
    4. catch criminals
    5. Chickens like to crow
    6.Cats like to play catching mice
    7. Rabbit likes to find or eat carrots
    8. My parents always work for a living 9.Seller job is to sell an item
    10. I always wake up early and start morning activities like taking a shower etc

  17. Ivana

    1. Doctors heal and treat sick patients.
    2. The pilot takes passengers who board the plane to their destination.
    3. The president leads the country.
    4. The police maintain security and order.
    5. The chickens crows in the morning.
    6. The cat likes to lick her body.
    7. Rabbits like to jump around.
    8. Parents work and raise their children.
    9. Seller offers goods to be sold to people.
    10. I study and do assignments given by the teacher.

  18. 1.diagnosing and treating human disease, ailments, injuries, pain, or other conditions
    2.the pilot brings the people to the country safely
    3.responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress
    4.investigate the criminals
    5.spend a large part of their day running, scraping
    6.ignoring you
    7.paper towel rolls, and hard plastic baby toys work well, but even with all these fun toys to play
    8.taking care of us
    9.sell the product
    10.do my task

  19. Gabriel yudha / 7d
    1. Doctors treat patients.
    2. The pilot directs the plane.
    3. The President has the duty to safeguard the country's sovereignty.
    4. The police are in charge of maintaining state security.
    5. Chickens always crow in the morning.
    6. Cats like to meow.
    7. Rabbits like to eat carrots.
    8. Educate and raise their children.
    9. Promote his product, and while selling it.
    10. I go to school so my parents can be proud.

  20. Chelsy Rotua/VII D
    1.Doctors treat people who are sick
    2.take people who want to go out of town / country by plane
    3.provide regulations and lead the people in his country
    4.keep safe in the city
    5.Produces eggs to eat
    6.as a pet
    7.as a pet
    8.look after and care for us
    9.sell the things we need
    10.doing assignments given by the teacher

  21. Chelsy Rotua/VII D
    1.Doctors treat people who are sick
    2.take people who want to go out of town / country by plane
    3.provide regulations and lead the people in his country
    4.keep safe in the city
    5.Produces eggs to eat
    6.as a pet
    7.as a pet
    8.look after and care for us
    9.sell the things we need
    10.doing assignments given by the teacher

  22. Felicia.Y

    1. The doctor manages or cares for the patient
    2.the pilot drives the plane to the destination
    3.the president rushed to control the country
    4.the police are in charge of regulating traffic
    5.the rooster crows in the morning and the hens lay their eggs
    6.the cat will make a meow when it is hungry
    7.rabbits eat carrots
    8. My parents work to earn money for life

    9. the seller is in charge of offering goods to be sold

    10.i play batminton and roller skating

  23. Nama:Felicia. ivannie. Kelas:7e.
    1.conduct examination of the patient
    2.the pilot files a plane
    3.fight for the republic of Indonesia
    4.set traffic rules
    5.lay eggs, building in every pag
    6.the cat meows
    7.eat carrots
    8. take care of children, take care of the household
    9. Promoting goods to be sold
    10.i always watch a television

  24. 1.Treat the sick,conduct examination of the patient
    2.drive a plane,the pilot files a plane
    3.Overcoming Indonesian problems, fight for the republic of Indonesia
    4.Organizing existing regulations in Indonesia, set traffic rules
    5.Look for something to eat, lay eggs, building in every pag
    6.the cat meows,cat eat fish,climbing a tree
    7.Jump,eat carrots
    8. Advise children, take care of children, take care of the household, protect the family
    9. Promoting goods to be sold, sell merchandise, Serve customers
    10.i always watch a television

  25. Nama Steven Area Prayogi kelas 7e
    1.treat the sick,conduct examination of the patient
    2.the pilot files a plane
    3.the president rushed to control the country
    4.the police are in charge of regulating traffic
    5.the rooster crows in the morning and the hens lay their eggs
    6.the cat meows,cat eat fish climbing a tree
    7. The Rabbit like to eat a carrot
    8. Our Parents take care of us
    9. The seller sells good things
    10.I Likes Playing Game

  26. 1.the doctor examines the patient
    2.the pilot flies the plane
    3.the president leads a country
    4.police keep traffic safety
    5.the rooster crows, helping humans to get up early
    6.the cat meows, plays ball or rope
    7.rabbits jumping, eating, playing
    8.parents meet family needs
    9.seller trades
    10.helping parents, studying.

  27. Nama: Jonathan Ferdinan Immanuel Sibarani
    Kelas: 7D
    1.the doctors give a recipe to patients
    2. The pilot give a information about flight
    3. The president give a government policy
    4. The police shoot a criminals
    5. The chicken looking a food
    6. The cat chase a chicken
    7. The rabbit eat spinach
    8. our parents take a Travelling
    9. A seller looking a buyer
    10. I am cyling

    1. 1.The Doctor Cure The Patient
      2.The Pilot Drives An Airplane
      3.The President Lead His Country
      4.The Police Protect Us
      5.Chicken Likes Flap The Wing
      6.Cat Likes Scratching The Body
      7.Rabbit Likes Jumping
      8.Our Parents Always Educate Us
      9.Seller Always Telling Their Product
      10.I Likes Playing Game

  28. Farel Maro Harahap
    1. a doctor is checking a child's teeth
    2. The pilot is flying the plane to the flag
    3. The president is taking care of people's input
    4. the police are guarding the security of the independent palace
    5. The chicken is eating the grain
    6. The cat is playing with the owner
    7. The rabbit is eating carrots
    8. Our parents are working in the office
    9. The seller is having a promotion
    10. I am doing school work

  29. Farel Maro Harahap
    1. a doctor is checking a child's teeth
    2. The pilot is flying the plane to the flag
    3. The president is taking care of people's input
    4. the police are guarding the security of the independent palace
    5. The chicken is eating the grain
    6. The cat is playing with the owner
    7. The rabbit is eating carrots
    8. Our parents are working in the office
    9. The seller is having a promotion
    10. I am doing school work

  30. Christian Aprilino S.
    1. is responsible for the patient who will be referred to another hospital or doctor
    2. Responsible for the safety of passengers and crew on board
    3. The president is taking care of people's input
    4. The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order,
    5. crows in the morning looking for food 6. Cats scratch walls and chairs
    7. The Bunny 500 or Movement Pacing
    8. Show How To Control
    9. Make customers happy
    10. Learn

  31. Christian Aprilino Situmeang1 Februari 2021 pukul 06.28

    Christian Aprilino S.
    1. is responsible for the patient who will be referred to another hospital or doctor
    2. Responsible for the safety of passengers and crew on board
    3. The president is taking care of people's input
    4. The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order,
    5. crows in the morning looking for food
    6. Cats scratch walls and chairs
    7. The Bunny 500 or Movement Pacing
    8. Show How To Control
    9. Make customers happy
    10. Learn

  32. Lisa lestari
    1.Doctor do is helping people who is sick
    2. pilot do is make the airplane fly to the air while wanna bring the passengers
    3. president do is helpig people who is broke, make the town be kind to other
    4.police do is check the road is clear or not if there is a problem about their vechiles, the police can help like catching a robber.
    5. chicken do is make a fresh egg for human or for chciken to have a chick
    6.cat do is run, find a food
    7.rabbit can do is Hop or jump and can bite
    8. our parent do is Searching money for us to pay a course fee or school fee
    9. seller can do is selling a food or a usefull things, and find a money.
    10. i can do is run, study, and helping people

    Thank You! :D

  33. Wilbert Jonah Aurelius
    1. Doctors usually check patient's conditions in the hospital
    2. The Pilot delivers passengers to their destination
    3. President pays attention to his/her people
    4. Polices always maintain security in their area
    5. Chickens always looking for food in the backyard
    6. Cat always says "meow" every night
    7. Rabbit always jumps on the grass if it want to move
    8. Parents always educate their children
    9. The sellers always promote his merchandise to other customers
    10. I rarely learn English with Mr. Rofen

  34. No2.the students do the home work
    No3.the dog likes to eat meat
    No4.the monkeys eat banana
    No5.the tiger sleeps over 6 hours
    No6.The teacher teaches the students

  35. Carolyn 7A/06
    1. Doctors are tasked with treating and preventing
    2.the pilot is in charge of piloting the plane
    3.the president is in charge of leading the country and protecting the country
    4. the police are in charge of maintaining public safety
    5.chickens usually forage
    6.cat usually plays
    7. rabbits usually play and eat carrots
    8. parents work to make money to provide for their children's needs
    9. seller sells good stuff
    10. I usually playing game and do exercise

  36. Evelin Cindy Carlina
    1. The doctor always check the patient's.
    2. The pilot always flies the plane.
    3. The president usually commands her/his people.
    4. The police usually catches criminals.
    5. The chicken always crows every morning.
    6. The cat usually meows every day.
    7. The rabbit always eat carrot every morning.
    8. My parents usually open the shop at 8 a.m.
    9. The seller often sells school shoe.
    10. I usually listen the music every night.

  37. Ardin Jacob Septyan Panggabean VIIA 1.Doctors usually check patient's conditions in the hospital
    Doctor do is helping people who is sick
    a doctor is checking a child's teeth
    2.The pilot brings the people to the country safely
    The Pilot delivers passengers to their destination
    drive a plane,the pilot files a plane
    3.The president protect the citizens
    President pays attention to his/her people
    The president is taking care of people's input
    4.A police often seizures the vehicle
    Polices always maintain security in a bank
    the police are guarding the security of the independent palace
    5.Chicken Likes Flap The Wing
    Chickens always looking for food in the backyard
    chicken do is make a fresh egg for human or for chciken to have
    a chick
    6.Cat always says "meow" every night
    The cat is playing with the owner
    the cat meows,cat eat fish climbing a tree
    7.Rabbit Likes Jumping
    A Rabbit Likes To Eat A Carrot
    The rabbit eat spinach
    8.Our Parents Always Educate Us
    Our parent do is Searching money for us to pay a course fee or school fee
    Our parents are working in the office
    9.The seller is having a promotion
    The sellers always promote his merchandise to other customers
    Promoting goods to be sold
    10.Me always online zoom meeting.
    I rarely learn English with Mr. Rofen
    I am doing school work

  38. Name : Gracia Nina Yekrista
    Class : VII A

    1.- a doctor who always treats patients in the hospital
    - Doctors who treat sick people

    2.- a pilot who flies a plane and carries many passengers
    - Pilots who learn how to fly an airplane

    3. -President who governs the people
    - the president helps people in need

    4. - the police who catch the bad guys
    - police watch the traffic.

    5. - a rooster that crows in the morning
    - The chicken is looking for worms

    6. - a cat who likes to play with his master
    - The cat is eating

    7. - a rabbit who likes to run and jump
    - a rabbit who stole carrots

    8. - Parents who care for children from childhood
    - Parents who work for their families

    9. - sellers are patient with their buyers
    - a seller who catches the attention of his buyer

    10.- I always clean the house
    - often do hobbies that I enjoy

  39. Name: Gisellyn

    1.The doctor usually check patients who are sick and give a medicine.
    2.The pilot always fly the plane and always check the aircraft engine.
    3.The president usually regulates his people and gives good advice to his people
    4.The police often set traffic signs, arrest criminals or thieves and carry out raids.
    5.The chickens usually make a "kukuruyuk" sound in the morning and look for food.
    6.The cat often make "meow" sounds and cats usually forange in public trash cans.
    7.The rabbit usually like to jump, run and usually rabbit eat carrot.
    8.Parents always work hard and always take care of their children.
    9.Sellers usually sell their merchandise in markets or stalls and usually serve buyers.
    10.Usually i do my schoolwork, study and help my parents.

  40. David purba
    Class:vll A
    1.heal the sick
    2.fly the plane and carry passengers
    3.prosper the Indonesian people
    4.punish those who do evil

  41. Nama Jerry Febryanto
    Kelas VIIA
    1.The Doctor always cure and check sick persob
    2.the pilots is Always drive the plane
    3.The president always puild up his people
    4.The Police Always Guard the road
    5.The chiken is often singing
    6.the cat is always talk meow
    7.The rabbits always jump
    8.My parent are cooking lunch
    9.The Seller always promote the merchandise
    10.I am Working The Task

  42. Shandy evalyn:
    1.the Doctors treat sick patients
    2.The pilot drives the plane in the air
    3.The President conducts discussions and approves of his country
    4. The Police maintain traffic
    5.a Chicken likes to eat grain
    6.a Cats like eat fish.
    7.a rabbits walk by jumping
    8.A parent is a person who meets a child's needs
    9.The sellers always offer their products
    10.i like watching k-drama

  43. Samajivata
    1.Doctor Job is treat sick patient
    2.Pilot job is driving the plane
    3.President job is to build a developed country
    4.Police job is to catch criminal
    5.Chicken always do crowing
    6.The cat always meowling
    7.The rabbit always jumping like kangaroo
    8.My parent job is working
    9.Seller job is to sell item that he sell
    10.I am working a task and watching yotube

    1. Theona Griselda
      VII F
      1. The doctor treating patients
      2. The pilot drive planes and carry passenger
      3. The president leading his country
      4. The police secure the country
      5. The chicken lay the egg
      6. The cat licks its fur
      7. The rabbit eats carrots
      8. Our parents taking care and protect is
      9. The seller is selling goods
      10. Doing task and watching youtube

  44. Vincent su 7F
    1. He always cure with the patients
    2. He always keep passengers safe
    3. he always leads his people
    4. always keep people safe and catch criminals
    5. chicken has always been human food
    6. cats have always been pets
    7. Rabbit have always been pets
    8. My parent always suffice our days
    9. Seller always sells goods
    10. l always do my task, watching youtube playing game

  45. F18 Jogi Alatan
    1) Doctors treat patients
    2) The pilot flies the plane
    3) President take care of the country
    4) Police keep the law
    5) The chickens always hanging around
    6) The cat always stealing food
    7) Rabbits always jump
    8) Parents always look after children / work
    9) Sellers usually do business
    10) I do hobbies and do school work and sometimes help my parents

  46. Nama: Franky Tanoto
    Kelas : 7F
    1.the doctor treats and heals his patients
    2.The pilot flies the plane and takes the passengers to their destination
    3.the president governs the country and does his best for the country
    4.the job of the police is to enforce the law and catch criminals
    5.The chicken takes corn and crows during the morning
    6.the cat is spoiled and loves to eat and play
    7.The rabbit jumped and ate the carrots
    8.the parents educate their children well and send their children to school
    9.the seller sells the goods
    10.i did the tasks

  47. Gisella:
    1. doctor help people who are sick
    2. pilot drives the plane
    3. president governs the country
    4. police arrest a criminal
    5. chicken scratch the ground
    6. Cat meows
    7. Rabbit always jumping
    8. Our parents meet our needs
    9. Seller sells a stuff
    10. I'm doing a homework

  48. Felicia Kho 7d
    1. The doctor check patient health
    2. The pilot brings the people to the country safely
    3. The president protect the citizens
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chickens eat seeds
    6. The cat is licking its fur
    7. The rabbit eats carrot
    8. Our parents are taking care of us
    9. The seller is setting the things
    10. I am watching Youtobe

  49. 1.Doctor cures sick people
    2.The pilot flies the airplane
    3.The president protects the citizen
    4.Police catches criminals
    5.The chickens lay eggs
    6.The cat likes to meow
    7.The rabbit likes to jump
    8.Our parents raise and take care of us
    9.A seller likes to sell item
    10.I like to play games

  50. tasya 7f
    1. the doctor was treat the sick patient
    2.the pilot is drive the plane
    3. the presiden is lead the country
    4.the police are respinsible for maintaining public order and security
    5.the chickens was eat the worm
    6.the cat is playing with the ball
    7.the rabbit was hopping around the yard
    8.our parents are working to support the children
    9.the seller is sell the goods
    10.i was do my task

  51. Hanya hotmarina
    1.The doctor check patient health
    2.The Pilot flies the plane
    3.The president protect the country
    4.The police is catch the criminal
    5.the chicken eat's caterpillars
    6. The cat's is playing a ball
    7.the rabbit is run
    8. Our parents give you a yunifrom
    9. The seller is usually the bunnies
    10. I make youtube's vidios

  52. Anthony Ong 7F
    1.The doctor cures the sick patient in the hospital
    2.The pilot drives a plane to the passangers' destination
    3.A President enforces the laws written by congress and lead the country
    4. A police ensures the safety of drivers on the arrests criminals
    5. The chickens usually crow in the morning
    6. A cat always says meow
    7. A rabbit always jumps here and there
    8. Our parents often work very hard for their children
    9. A seller often promotes and sells products to the buyer
    10. I usually work on my assignments and play games

  53. Rainie yang 7f:

    1. Doctors examine and cure patients.
    2. The pilot flies and controls the plane.
    3. The president leads the country.
    4. The police control traffic, always pay attention to the public to always obey the rules, and catch a criminal.
    5. Chickens crow every morning and incubate their eggs.
    6. Cats always steal food, like to play with leash.
    7. Rabbits like to eat carrots and love to jump
    8. Make a living and take care of a family
    9. Selling goods in order to get results
    10. Doing schoolwork And play the cellphone

  54. Cindy vatika sari

    1.the doctor help and examine his patients
    2.the pilot drive or pilot an airplane
    3.a president holds full responsibility for its society
    4.a police manage traffic
    5.the chickens the rooster crows in the morning and evening
    6.a cat playing all the time
    7.a rabbit hopping every day
    8.my parents look after her son
    9.a seller sell merchandise to buyers
    10.I am marathon every morning with my mom

  55. Julia Karlina

    1.The doctor's habit is
    -examining the patient.
    -Provide healing or therapy for patients.
    -Serving medical examinations.

    2.The pilot's habit is
    -flying a plane.
    -carry airplane passengers safely.
    -Operate the aircraft safely.

    3. The president habit is
    -he always leads his people
    -Overcoming Indonesian problems

    4.The habit of a policeman is
    -maintain public safety and order.
    - enforce the law.
    - provide protection, protection and services to the community.

    5.The habit of chickens is
    - chickens often crow in the morning
    -chickens like to eat worms

    6.The habits of cats is
    - likes to lick his legs
    - likes to steal fish (if a wild cat)
    - like to roar (meow ..)

    7.The habit of rabbit is
    -rabbit like eating carrots.
    -rabbit likes to jump.

    8.The habit of parents is
    -Giving affection and love to their children
    -to take care of us

    9.The habit of seller is
    -serving buyers, offering to buyers, promoting merchandise.
    -The seller is having a promotion and
    The sellers always promote his merchandise to other customers

    10.The habit of me is
    -me always follow the online class
    -listening music
    -get up fast

  56. Aileen Kirstin Barus 7b
    1. To help patients
    2. To fly a plane
    3. To hold power according to uud
    4. To provide protection and services to the community
    5. To be the best source of protein helps build and maintain structures in the body that also break down toxins
    6. Loves to lick the juice legs
    7. Rabbits like to eat carrots
    8. Meet all the needs of their children
    9. To sell various items for daily use
    10. To learn and seek knowledge in order to be successful

  57. Nesya

    1.The doctor is in charge of treating and preventing the recurrence of the disease. So, the doctor will perform the examination, treatment and medical care of the patient with medical knowledge and a sense of humanity.

    2.On a commercial flight, the pilot and co-pilot are in charge of piloting the plane while the flight attendants and flight attendants are in charge of ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers in flight.

    3.The president habit is
    -he always leads his people

    4.The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order, security and law enforcement throughout the territory of the country. The police are one of the important institutions that play the main task of guarding security, order and law enforcement, so that police agencies exist in all sovereign countries.

    5.chickens, namely the care of their young children; The mother hen is patient and is always on the lookout for any attack that will befall her chicks, this is to protect the survival and safety of their children from the threat of danger.
    6.Cats like to purr for petting.

    7.work and look after the children

    8.sell the goods to the buyer

    9.doing task

  58. JERRY7F
    1. He always cure with the patients
    2. pilot drives the plane
    3.The President conducts discussions and approves of his country
    4. the police are in charge of maintaining public safety
    5.Chicken always do crowing
    6. cats have always been pets
    7. Rabbit always jumps on the grass if it want to move
    8. Our parents always educate their children
    9.sellers peddle their stuff
    10.I Likes Playing Game

  59. Helda Crystal 7A
    1.-checking the patients who was sicks
    - gives the best medicine to the patients
    2.- Flying the airplane
    3.-keep the country
    - Advance the state
    4.-catches the bad guys
    - Vehicle ticket
    5.-Lay eggs
    - Take care of it children
    -make a sound in the morning
    6.-playing with someone
    - barks if there's someone wanna to hurt it or antoher people
    7.- it likes to jumping
    - find a carrot to eat
    8.- Earn a living
    - Raising us
    -Take care of us
    9.-Selling things that the buyer needs
    - Doing assignments
    -follow online class

  60. Steven / 7F
    1. The Doctors taking care of the patient
    2. The pilots drives the plane to the destination
    3. The president becomes the head of state in a country
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chicken produces egg
    6. The cat like run
    7. The rabbit eat carrot
    8. Our parents take care of us
    9. The seller sells some product
    10. I was doing homework

  61. ~ Doctors help maintain the health of patients
    ~ The pilot brings the passengers to a designated place
    ~ The president protects his citizens and leads them all
    ~ police monitor everyone in traffic
    ~ the chicken brings out the eggs to sell
    ~ the cat is always sleeping and always meows
    ~ rabbits like to eat vegetables
    ~ parents love and provide for the needs of their children
    ~ Sellers promote their products to buyers
    ~ I'm working on an assignment

  62. Yapko Shunaky
    VII a

    1. The doctors heal the sick
    2. the pilot driving a plane and carrying a lot of people
    3. The make the country more developed and peaceful
    4. the police catch criminals
    5. the chicken is eating corn
    6. the cat is chasing thread
    7. The rabbit like to jump
    8. The parents is protecting us
    9. The Seller is Selling Item
    10.I am play game

  63. Name:Chaterina Aprila Lepi Barus

    1. The doctor makes the correct diagnosis to the patient
    2. The pilot flies until the plane lands
    3. The president is in charge of the nation and state
    4. The police always maintain traffic order
    5. The chicken crows in the morning
    6. The cat takes food in the kitchen when he is hungry
    7. The rabbit loves to move its ears
    8. Parents work in different places
    9. Sellers provide discounts to consumers
    10. I was sweeping the house

  64. 7D Derren thierry

    1.The Doctor Cure The Patient
    2.Pilot job is driving the plane
    3. The make the country more developed
    4.Police job is to catch criminal
    5.a Chicken likes to eat grain
    6.a Cats like eat fish.
    7.The rabbit like to jump
    8.parents look after her son
    9.The Seller is Selling Item
    10.i was doing homework

  65. Willyam Jhon hopkin
    1.the doctor take care of the patient
    2.to Drive the plane
    3.to make their country safe
    4.to catch the criminal
    5.to crow every morning
    6.like to play with toy
    7.like to hop
    8.to take care of their children
    9.to sell their product
    10.do homework from school

  66. 1.doctors often treat sick people
    2.pilots often get on planes
    3. Jokowi usually inaugurates new places for example toll roads
    4.the police usually catch criminals
    5.chickens usually peck and peck in search of food
    6.cats usually meow when hungry
    7.rabbits usually hop
    8.parents usually earn a living / money
    9.sellers usually sell household items
    10.i usually watch tv

  67. 1.the doctor heals the patient
    2.pilot flies planes
    3.president take care of the country
    4.the policeman stops bulglars from burgling
    5.chicken peck at something
    6.The catstealing the fish
    7.the rabbit eats carrot and like to jumping
    8.our parent take care of their child
    9.sell their products
    10.i am doing the task now while listening to some music

  68. Calvin 7G
    1. The Doctor Saves someone life
    2. The Pilot Fly the plane
    3. The President takes care of the country
    4. The Policeman catch the thief
    5. Chicken likes to eat worm
    6. The cats drinks milk
    7. The Rabbit like to Jumping around the field
    8. Parents work hard for the child's living expenses
    9. The seller offers a very good item
    10. I did the assignment my teacher gave me

  69. Richni VII g
    1.the doctor always treats patients
    2.The pilot usually flies the plane
    3.the president always leads the country
    4.the police usually control traffic
    5.the chicken usually eats whole grains
    6.cats usually lick their bodies
    7.the rabbit usually eats carrot
    8.parents always educate their children
    9.sellers always offer and sell their products
    10.I always scroll tick tok and do my task

  70. angeline 7g
    1.doctors always help cure patients
    2.pilots usually drive planes
    3.presidents often help and protect citizens
    4.the police usually catch the bad guys
    5.chicken usually crowing in the morning
    6.cats are always playing and eating all the time
    7.rabbits usually eat carrots
    8.our parents always protect us
    9.a seller often waits for customers to buy their goods
    10.i usually doing my homework

  71. Name=jonathan virdy

    1.the doctor cures patient
    2.the pilot drives the airplane
    3.president manages the country
    4.policemen catch the thief
    5.the chickens eat worm
    7.the rabbit eats carrot
    8.our parent raise us
    9.sellers sell their products
    10.i always join zoom

  72. Yuri Anggraini

    1.The Doctor treat the sick patient in hospital
    2.The Pilot flies the plane in the air and help those passenger to their destination
    3.President leads and protects the country
    4.Police manage the traffic and arrest those criminals
    5.Chicken crows every morning and looking for food
    6.Cat mostly like to spend the time for sleeping
    7.Rabbit usually like to jump and play around
    8.Parent work to make money to provide for their family daily needs
    9.Seller sells good stuff to earn some money
    10.I usually play online games and help my mom to clean up the house

  73. Evelyn Devanelsha Zhou2 Februari 2021 pukul 18.18

    1.Doctor jobs is to treat and prevent disease
    and also conduct health consultation
    2.Pilot job is to flying a plane
    3.President jobs is to holds the power to
    perform government duties everyday
    4.Police jobs is to mantain security and
    protect the community
    5.Chicken like to spend a large time to running
    and crowing
    6.Cat is a lazy animal and spend much of their
    time to sleep and eat
    7.Rabbit likes to jumping and play in the
    8.Work and take care the children is parents
    9.Seller job is buy and sell product that not
    made by themselves to get advantage
    10.I usually do homework after follow my online

  74. Josh 7G
    1.The doctor saves people
    2.the pilot drives the plane
    3.the president's job is to protect the country
    4.the police duty is saves the city
    5.the chicken duty is wake us up early morning
    6.the cats can play ball
    7.the rabbit can jump high
    8.the parent job is to look after us until we grow up
    9.the seller is selling item
    10.I'm doing the task that you gave me while listening to music

  75. Nama: Sri Angel Marpaung
    Kelas: 7G
    Rabu, 3 februari 2021

    1.Doctors usually treat and prevent various diseases.
    2.The pilot is in charge of driving the plane.
    3.president usually holds the powers of the government.
    4.The police usually maintain public order and security.
    5.chickens usually crow in the morning.
    6.cats love to lick their hands / feet.
    7.the common rabbit was jumping up and down and rocking his body.
    8.parents usually look after and educate their children.
    9.the seller usually sells goods or services.
    10.i like listening to music and watching YouTube.

  76. Cristina Amelia 7G
    1.the doctor help sick patients
    2.the pilot transport passengers
    3.the president leads his country
    4.the police maintain security
    5.the chicken flaps its wings
    6.the cat likes to scratch the ground
    7.the rabbit eat carrots
    8.the parents raise and care for their children
    9.the seller offers the goods
    10.I like scrolling tiktok and watching movies

  77. Name: Zeny Pratiwi/VIID
    1.The doctors heal sick people
    2.the pilot drives the plane
    3.The president leads the country
    4.The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order and security
    5.The chicken flaps its wings
    6.The cat is Eating, sleeping, playing
    7.Rabbit is eating carrots
    8.parents are looking after us as a child to grow up, making money
    9.The seller is serving the buyer
    10.Perform assignments given by the teacher

    1. Nama : Alfado.s / Vll G

      1.the doctor tirck Acik people
      2.the pilot is Drive the plan
      3. Presiden ussuly public
      4.plice man cara in animals
      5.chikensflaps in Wings
      6 cats drink Mills and food
      7.rabbit is eating carrots
      8.look after work mother
      9.the seller offers
      10. Palfrom is down

  78. Nama:WESLEY yudhoyono
    1what the doctor does is examine the patient who is sick
    2what the pilot does is drive the plane
    3what the president does is to maintain the peace of the country
    4what the police do is catch the thief and obey the traffic signs
    5what the chicken does is look for food for its daily needs and look after the young
    6which cats do in search of food like fish
    7which rabbits do foraging for foods such as carrots and vegetables
    8what parents do is work to meet the needs of their family
    9which the seller does sell sanyuran and fruits
    10what I do I study hard to achieve my goals

  79. Ferensia chuang

    1. the doctor's job is to treat the sick
    2. the pilot's job is to drive the plane
    3. the president's job is to lead the country
    4. the duty of the police is to maintain public order and security
    5. the habit of chickens is to eat corn
    6. cats like to meow and eat fish
    7. rabbit habit is jumping and eating carrots
    8. What my father did was work while what my mother did was a housewife
    9. what sellers often do is sell merchandise
    10. what I often do is learn and play

  80. Gabriel Timoti


    1.The farmer's job is to plant rice
    2.The task of the nakoda is to drive a marine ship
    3.The patient's job is to obey the doctor's orders
    4the duty of the police is to maintain public order and securit
    5.usually do homework after follow my online
    6.Our parents give you a yunifrom
    7.The police catch criminals
    8.I love playing games
    9.like to hop
    10.Produces eggs to eat

  81. Bennu Goel F.T
    VII G


    1.Doctor usually treat and prevent various di seases.
    2.The pilot is in charge of driving the plane.
    3.President usually holds the power of the government.
    4.The police usually maintain public order and security.
    5.Chickens usually crow in the morning.
    6.Cats love to lick their hand / deet.
    7.The common rabbit was jumping up and down and rocking his body.
    8.Parents usually look after and educate their children.
    9.the seller usually sells goods or services.
    10.I like listening to music and watching youtube.

  82. Felicia Kho 7d

    1.Doctors treat sick patients
    2.Pilot flies the plane
    3.President issues orders and makes people prosperous
    4. catch criminals
    5. Chickens like to crow
    6.Cats like to play catching mice
    7. Rabbit likes to find or eat carrots
    8. My parents always work for a living 9.Seller job is to sell an item
    10. I always wake up early and start morning activities like taking a shower etc

  83. Gracia Sunday Wijaya

    1.the doctor saves people
    2.pilot job is to flying a plane
    3.president leads and protes cts the country
    4.plice men catch the thief
    5.the chicken flaps its wings
    6.the cats drinks milk
    7.the rabbit eats carrots
    8.to take care of their children
    9.the seller is serving the buyer
    10.l like scrolling tiktok and watching movies

  84. Laura oktafia silitonga 7c

    1.The doctor is in charge of healing the patient.
    2. The pilot drives the plane.
    3. The president is responsible to the Dpr and guides the state.
    4. The police enforce the law and maintain security.
    5. chicken like to crowing
    6.cats like to scrape hard stuff arrwroot
    7.rabbits love to jump
    8.look after and pritect chidren
    9.sellingan item or food
    10.i like listening to music

  85. Siva lita dilova

    1.The doctor healed the sick patient
    2.The pilot flies the plane and takes the passengers to their destination
    3.the president led the country so that his country developed
    4.the police maintain security so that the people feel safe
    5.Chicken Likes Flap The Wing
    6.The cat is Eating, sleeping, playing
    7.the rabbit was jumping happily
    8.Parents always work hard and always take care of their children.
    9.sellers sell their products
    10.I lay down while scrolling the tiktok and eating ciki ciki

  86. Leonardo

    1.The docter is treating the sick patient
    2.The pilot flies the plane to New York
    3.The president Rule the country
    4.The police catch teh criminal
    5.Chikens make eggs
    6.The cat is sleeping under the table
    7.The rabbit is so fluffy
    8.Parents is the most important people in our life
    9.Sellers make money by selling
    10.I sit down and playing valorant with my friends while drinking soda

  87. Devant
    English task
    1.The doctor is cures the patient
    2.The pilot is drives the plane
    3.The presidents are rule the country
    4.The police is catchs the thief
    5.The chickens are lay eggs in the farm.
    6.The cats are like to sleeping and playing in the house.
    7.The rabbits are like to jumping.
    8.Our parents work hara for take care us
    9.Sellers always sell their pruduct
    10.Im do this homeworks

  88. Irene Chua
    1.the doctor treats the patient
    2.the pilot flies an airplane
    3.president takes cake of the country
    4.polices catch a criminal
    5.chickens eat grains
    6.cats catch a mouse
    7.rabbit eats a carrot and vegetables
    8.take care their children
    9.nice to costumers
    10.doing my task

  89. angelitha Artha Uly Sinaga
    1.Doctors treat sick patients
    2.Pilot flies the plane
    3.President issues orders and makes people prosperous
    4. catch criminals
    5. Chickens like to crow
    6.Cats like to play catching mice
    7. Rabbit likes to find or eat carrots
    8. My parents always work for a living 9.Seller job is to sell an item
    10. I always wake up early and start morning activities like taking a shower etc

  90. 1.the Doctors treat sick patients
    2.The pilot drives the plane in the air
    3.The President conducts discussions and approves of his country
    4. The Police maintain traffic
    5.a Chicken likes to eat grain
    6.a Cats like eat fish.
    7.a rabbits walk by jumping
    8.A parent is a person who meets a child's needs
    9.The sellers always offer their products
    10.i like watching k-drama

  91. Luchyerni Trihulani Girsang
    1. Doctor heals patient.
    2. The pilot drives the plane.
    3. The president rules his country
    4. maintain security and public order, enforce the law and provide protection, protection and services to the community.
    5. Chickens like to eat whole grains.
    6. Cat is eating.
    7. Rabbits eat carrots.
    8. Parents' work is to work and look after their children.
    9. Promote products / goods sold.
    10. Doing homework.

  92. Vania Stella
    VII G

    1. Doctor usually takes care the sick patients.
    2. The pilot often to drives the plane
    3. President leads the country
    4. Police catch the criminals
    5. Chickens always crow
    6. Cat usually eat fish
    7. Rabbit likes to jump around
    8. Parents educate their kids properly
    9. Seller always sell their products
    10. I often to cook for my family

  93. Renata Y. J. Sinaga
    1. The doctors treat sick patients.
    2. The pilot drives the plane.
    3. The President governs and maintains the stability and welfare of the people in his country.
    4. Police catch criminals.
    5. Chicken laying egg
    6. The cats do is be good pets.
    7. Jumping up and down, eat vegetables.
    8. Take care their children.
    9. Promote/offer products.
    10. Do the task that you're given.

  94. Balasan
    1. Kartika p.limbong
      VII C
      1.The doctor treats the patient.
      2.The pilot drives the plane.
      3.President leads the country.
      4.Police catch criminals.
      5.Chickens like to crow.
      6.Cats like to sleep.
      7.Rabbits like to eat vegetables.
      8.Take care their children
      9.The seller always promotes their products.
      10.Doing my task.

  95. Doli Syaputra Sitompul.
    1.the doctor treats the patient
    2.the pilot flies an airplane
    3.president takes cake of the country
    4.polices catch a criminal
    5.chickens eat grains
    6.cats catch a mouse
    7.rabbit eats a carrot and vegetables
    8.take care their children
    9.nice to costumers
    10.doing my task

  96. Nama:Siba Sakti
    Kelas: VII G
    1.the doctor always checks the patien's illness
    2.pilot often drice planes
    3.the President leads a country
    4.the police often catch criminals
    5.chicken always fight
    6.cats love to cats mice
    7.rabbits often jump
    8.parents always make a living
    9.the seller always selling a products
    10.i often watch television

    1. Nama:Siba Sakti
      Kelas: VII G
      1.the doctor always checks the patien's illness
      2.pilot often drive planes
      3.the President leads a country
      4.the police often catch criminals
      5.chicken always fight
      6.cats like to catch mouse
      7.the rabbits like eat carrot
      8.parents always make a living
      9.the seller always selling a products
      10.i often watch television

  97. 1.The doctor's job is that he always prescribes drugs based on the
    patient's illness.

    2.The task of pilots is that they always check the condition of the aircraft and communicate, airports and airlines in flight processing.

    3.The president holds government power according to the constitution.

    4.The police always maintain public order.

    5.The cock crowed everry morning.

    6.The cat often catches mice.

    7.The rabbit often jumped many times.

    8.Our parents always protect us and take care of us always.

    9.Seller a reselling product from the supplier to the consumer.

    10.I always do the assignments given by the teacher.

  98. Cicilia Messy
    1.The doctor's job is to treat the patient
    2.The pilot is driving The plane
    3.The duty of president to lead the country
    4.Duty of a policemen to maintain state security
    5.What the chickens do foraging
    6.Which cats do playing with other cats
    7.Rabbit likes to jump around
    8.Take care their children
    9.Nice to costumes
    10.Doing home work

    Vll G
    1.The doctor's job is to treat the patient
    2.The pilot is driving the plane
    3.The duty of president to lead the country
    4.Duty of a policemen to maintain state security
    5.What the chickens do foraging
    6.Which cats do playing with other cats
    7.Rabbit likes to jump around
    8.Take care their children
    9.Nice to costumes
    10.Doing home work

  100. Caitlynn huang 7c

    1.take care of the sick
    -treat the sick by give medicine
    -examine sick people

    2.- driving plane
    -drive passengers
    -responsible for all crew on board.
    -carry plane passengers safety.

    3.-regulate Indonesia

    4.-Catch the bad people
    -keep the traffic light

    5.-chicken like crowing
    - the chicken lay eggs

    6.-cat likes eat fish
    -cats love to scratch
    -cat like climbing tree

    7.-Rabbit always path by jumping
    -rabbit likes eat carrot

    8.-Educing children to be a good person
    -Giving affection and love to their children and not distinguishing between affection between their children

    9.serving buyers, offering to buyers, promoting merchandise.

    10.-i do zoom meeting every morning
    -i wake up at 6/7 a.m in morning

  101. 1.The doctor diagnoses the patient
    2.The pilot flies the plane
    3.The President conducts discussions and approves the Bill with the DPR
    4.Maintain community safety
    5.Chicken laying egg
    6.Cats like to eat fish
    7.Rabbits love to eat carrots
    8.Our parents work
    9.Sell ​​his merchandise to buyers
    10.Every morning zoom

  102. Ledy Thereshia
    1. The Doctor treat and heal sick patients
    2. The Pilot always flies a plane
    3. A President leads the country
    4. A Police is in charge of dealing with crimes and manage traffic
    5. The Chickens crowing in the morning and lay eggs
    6. A Cat likes to catch rat
    7. A Rabbit like to play and eat carrots
    8. My Father worked and My Mother did household chores
    9. A Seller sells his merchandise
    10. I study, do my task and play

  103. 1.the doctor help and examine his patients
    2.the pilot drive or pilot an airplane
    3.a president holds full responsibility for its society
    4.a police manage traffic
    5.the chickens the rooster crows in the morning and evening
    6.a cat playing all the time
    7.a rabbit hopping every day
    8.my parents look after her son
    9.a seller sell merchandise to buyers
    10.I am marathon every morning with my mom

  104. 1.the doctor help and examine his patients
    2.the pilot drive or pilot an airplane
    3.a president holds full responsibility for its society
    4.a police manage traffic
    5.the chickens the rooster crows in the morning and evening
    6.a cat playing all the time
    7.a rabbit hopping every day
    8.my parents look after her son
    9.a seller sell merchandise to buyers
    10.I am marathon every morning with my mom

  105. Felix Jessen

    1.The doctor help the patients
    2.The pilot is driving in plane
    3.The President Lead his country
    4.The police patrol every day
    5.Chicken Crow every morning
    6.Cat is playing every day
    7.Rabbit Like to jump
    8.Parents always advise us
    9.Sellers always offer their products to buyers to buy their products
    10.I likes playing games

  106. Cicco Valentineo
    Kelas 7G

    1.The doctor examines and treats the patient
    2.The pilot operates the plane in order to transport the passengers
    3.A President leads the nation and be responsible for the prosperity of her/his socienty
    4.The police catches the bad person
    5.the chickens scratch the sand to get food
    6.cats can climb a tree fast
    7.The rabbit eats carrot
    8.The parents work to earn money for their children
    9.the seller promote merchandise
    10.I likes reading and counting

  107. Cicco Valentineo
    Kelas 7G

    1.The doctor examines and treats the patient
    2.The pilot operates the plane in order to transport the passengers
    3.A President leads the nation and be responsible for the prosperity of her/his socienty
    4.The police catches the bad person
    5.the chickens scratch the sand to get food
    6.cats can climb a tree fast
    7.The rabbit eats carrot
    8.The parents work to earn money for their children
    9.the seller promote merchandise
    10.I likes reading and counting

  108. Yosi artha Meylani

    1.The doctor is in charge of treating and preventing the recurrence of the disease.
    2.the pilot and co-pilot are in charge of piloting the aircraft
    3.This new president will lead a country known as the third largest democracy in the world
    4.The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order
    5.the chicken is looking for food
    6.cat is sleeping
    7.the rabbit jump
    8.the parents work
    9.Nice to costumes
    10.I like scrolling tiktok and watching movies

  109. ~ Doctors help maintain the health of patients
    ~ The pilot brings the passengers to a designated place
    ~ The president protects his citizens and leads them all
    ~ police monitor everyone in traffic
    ~ the chicken brings out the eggs to sell
    ~ the cat is always sleeping and always meows
    ~ rabbits like to eat vegetables
    ~ parents love and provide for the needs of their children
    ~ Sellers promote their products to buyers
    ~ I'm working on an assignment

  110. 1.doctors helps people be healthy and free of disease
    2.pilots fly the plane that contains people who wants to go somewhere
    3.the president leads their country to success
    4.the police are keeping everyone safe
    5.the chickens lay eggs every morning
    6.the cat is laying down
    7.the rabbit eats and jumps around
    8.look after their kids and provide them with food
    9 sell and promote their products
    10.doing my home works and chores

  111. Deswita 7E
    1.A doctor's job is to treat sick patients with medical things
    2.pilots work to steer the plane to its destination
    3.The president's job is to manage a country for the better life
    4.The police's job is to proctect the civil
    5.The rooster crows in the morning
    6.Cat likes to lick its fur
    7.Rabbits love to jump and eat carrots
    8.Provide for and protect their family
    9.The seller sells the items that buyer may need
    10.I was playing game with my friend

  112. ~ Doctors help maintain the health of patients
    ~ The pilot brings the passengers to a designated place
    ~ The president protects his citizens and leads them all
    ~ police monitor everyone in traffic
    ~ the chicken brings out the eggs to sell
    ~ the cat is always sleeping and always meows
    ~ rabbits like to eat vegetables
    ~ parents love and provide for the needs of their children
    ~ Sellers promote their products to buyers
    ~ I'm working on an assignment

  113. 1. Healing the sick

    2. Fly a plane

    3. establish government regulations that act, guiding the people

    4. Cross people who are not wearing helmets, traffic control

    5. Chickens The chickens often eat, sleep

    6. often eat, sleep, scratch

    7. The rabbit often eats carrots

    8. Work, cook

    9. Selling goods

    10. I do tasks, and do homework

    Marliana Napitupulu

  114. 1.What does the doctor do?Healing the sick

    2.What does the Pilot do?Fly a plane

    3.What does A President do?establish government regulations that act, guiding the people

    4.What does a Police do?Cross people who are not wearing helmets, traffic control

    5.What do the chickens do?Chickens The chickens often eat, sleep

    6.What does a cat do?
    often eat, sleep, scratch

    7.What does a Rabbit do?The rabbit often eats carrots
    8.What do our Parents do?The parents work to earn money for their children

    9.What does a Seller do?
    the seller promote merchandise
    10.What do you do?I do tasks, and do homework

    Marliana Napitupulu

  115. Gressania VIIG
    1. The doctor is treating the patient
    2. The pilot is flying the plane
    3. The president was meeting in a room
    4. The police are cathing the thief
    5. The chickens are eating
    6. Cat ia running on the road
    7. The rabbit is sleeping in the living room
    8. My parents are at work
    9. The seller is serving the buyer
    10. I'm working on an English assignment

  116. Alend Bheta Zhulyandr VllE
    -Rabbit likes to jump around
    -The cats do is be good pets.
    -Police job is to catch criminal
    -The chicken always crows every morning.
    -the dog barks a lot
    -monkey eat banana
    -the pilot landed the plane at the airport
    -mosquitoes suck blood
    -the hen warms its eggs
    -doctors treat patients

    2.the pilot ia fly the plane
    3.the president was meeting in meeting room
    4 the lolice are cathing narkoba people
    5.the chikens on road
    6.cat are often eat
    7.the rabbit often eat carrots
    8.my parrenta work
    9.the seller is sering buyer
    10.i do the English task

  118. 1. The donor is engaging the patient
    2. The pilot is driving the plane
    3. The president is managing state ministries
    4. The police are controlling the traffic
    5. The chicken is walking with the children
    6. The cat is chasing the mouse
    7. My parents are working to support their children
    8. The boxer is selling something
    9. I'm working on a B.Ingrris assignment

  119. Christian Aprilino S.
    1. is responsible for the patient who will be referred to another hospital or doctor
    2. Responsible for the safety of passengers and crew on board
    3. The president is taking care of people's input
    4. The police are a civilian public institution that maintains order,
    5. crows in the morning looking for food
    6. Cats scratch walls and chairs
    7. The Bunny 500 or Movement Pacing
    8. Show How To Control
    9. Make customers happy
    10. Learn

  120. Lim willy
    VII B
    1.The Doctors Do is To treat the Patient until Healed.
    2.The pilot does is fly the Passengers to their destination.
    3.The president Does Is to keep Indonesia Going.
    4.The Police Do is Catch the thief And guard traffic signs.
    5.The Chickens do is raise livestock so that those two care for the chickens can get eggs
    6.The Cat does is eat Fish.
    7.The Rabbit Does Is Eat The Carrots On The Porch.
    8.My parents did was work
    9.The Seller Does Is sell the goods that have been delivered to the place.
    10.I'm working on an english assignment.

  121. Velicia Vania
    Vii D
    1.The Doctors Do is To treat the Patient until Healed.
    2.The pilot does is fly the Passengers to their destination.
    3.The president Does Is to keep Indonesia Going.
    4.The Police Do is Catch the thief And guard traffic signs.
    5.The Chickens do is raise livestock so that those two care for the chickens can get eggs
    6.The Cat does is eat Fish.
    7.The Rabbit Does Is Eat The Carrots On The Porch.
    8.My parents did was work
    9.The Seller Does Is sell the goods that have been delivered to the place.
    10.I'm working on an english assignment.

  122. Ribka septiani sitorus
    Vll A

    1.•Doctor diagnose and treat medical conditions
    •Doctor treat those who have admitted or referred
    to hospital
    2.•Pilot drive the plane
    •Pilot take the people to their destination
    3.•President has a responsibillity to take care the
    •President also must lead the countries to the
    right way
    4.•To take care people from criminals
    •Investigate the criminals
    5.•To lay the eggs
    •Being alternatife alarm
    6.•To be our friends when we were bored
    7.•Can play with us if we have no friend to play
    8.•To take care of us
    •To give us love
    9.•To sell the product
    10.•Study or do my task
    •Play with my phone

  123. Willsen
    VII C

    1. The Doctors diagnose / treats a sick patient.
    2. The pilots fly the passengers to their destination.
    3. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws.
    4. The police keeps the country safe at all cost.
    5. A chicken provides eggs to reproduce / to feed us humans.
    6. The Cat is often Sleeping.
    7. Rabbits usually eats carrots.
    8. My parents are working
    9. The seller sells goods to people that needs them.
    10. I am doing the task.

  124. Nama:Risva Hutagalung

    1.doctors treat sick patients
    2.what the pilot does is fly the plane
    3.the president leads his people
    4.police catch crimimals
    5.what the cild does is study
    6.the cat is playing in the garden
    7.the rabbit is eating carrot
    8.what our parents do work
    9.the seller does,sells goods in the market
    10.i/m zooming

  125. ~ Doctors help maintain the health of patients
    ~ The pilot brings the passengers to a designated place
    ~ The president protects his citizens and leads them all
    ~ police monitor everyone in traffic
    ~ the chicken brings out the eggs to sell
    ~ the cat is always sleeping and always meows
    ~ rabbits like to eat vegetables
    ~ parents love and provide for the needs of their children
    ~ Sellers promote their products to buyers
    ~ I'm working on an assignment

  126. Jesslyn kho
    1.the doctor help heal People sick
    2.The pilot takes the passengers to their destination by plane
    3.The President regulates the country to be more advanced
    4.The police catch the person who committed the crime
    5.the chicken like crowing in The morning
    6.The cat is licking her shoulder
    7.The rabbit like to jump
    8.Parents guide their children and protect their children
    9.The seller is selling daily necessities
    10.i do my homework

  127. Bryant.clarence
    1.the doctor help the patient to heal then
    2.the pilot brings the passengers to their destination
    3.president protect the country and the people
    4.the police catch the thief
    5.chicken like eating corn
    6.the cat like to catch mouse
    7.rabbit like to eat carrot
    8.parrents loves their children
    9.sellers like to promote their product
    10. I like to playing phone and badminton

  128. Bryant.clarence
    1.the doctor help the patient to heal then
    2.the pilot brings the passengers to their destination
    3.president protect the country and the people
    4.the police catch the thief
    5.chicken like eating corn
    6.the cat like to catch mouse
    7.rabbit like to eat carrot
    8.parrents loves their children
    9.sellers like to promote their product
    10. I like to playing phone and badminton

  129. Name:Vivian
    1.Doctor does treating sick people
    2.A pilot does fly a plane
    3.A president does to organise a nation
    4.Police does to manage and keep the safety of civilian
    5.Chicken do walking around and catching worm to eat
    6.Cat do to wonder around the house
    7.Rabbit do hopping around
    8.Our parents does to work and earn for the family
    9.Seller do sell a product to the customer
    10.I am doing my homework and to attend classes

  130. 1.provide therapy to cure patients
    perform examination on the patient
    provide advice for patient care as

    2.On a commercial flight, the pilot and co-pilot are in charge of piloting the plane while the flight attendants and flight attendants are in charge of ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers in flight.

    3.keep the country

    4. This is what must give meaning to the duties and functions of the police according to Law No. 2 of 2002, namely maintaining security and public order; Enforce the law; and provide protection, protection and services to the community.

    5.babysitting "her

    6.the cat purrs

    7.rabbits often hop

    8.work and look after children

    9.bargain with the buyer

    10.helping parents and going to school

    1. Nesya Aprilia

      1.provide therapy to cure patients
      perform examination on the patient
      provide advice for patient care as

      2.On a commercial flight, the pilot and co-pilot are in charge of piloting the plane while the flight attendants and flight attendants are in charge of ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers in flight.

      3.keep the country

      4. This is what must give meaning to the duties and functions of the police according to Law No. 2 of 2002, namely maintaining security and public order; Enforce the law; and provide protection, protection and services to the community.

      5.babysitting "her

      6.the cat purrs

      7.rabbits often hop

      8.work and look after children

      9.bargain with the buyer

      10.helping parents and going to school

  131. Name:Vincent zheng
    1 the doctor healing the sick people
    2 a pilots flying the airport
    3 a presiden help the people
    4 a police carry the people
    5 a chicken is walking with the chick
    6 the eyes cat is red
    7 the rabbit is hopping
    8 my parents are so happy
    9 my product is best for seller
    10 i am eating

  132. Felicia Kho 7d

    1. The doctor check patient health
    2. The pilot brings the people to the country safely
    3. The president protect the citizens
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chickens eat seeds
    6. The cat is licking its fur
    7. The rabbit eats carrot
    8. Our parents are taking care of us
    9. The seller is setting the things
    10. I am watching Youtobe

  133. 1. The doctor Examining a patient
    2. The pilot Was driving an airplane
    3. The president Very generous
    4. The police catch criminals
    5. The chickens Eat worms
    6. The cat is licking its fur
    7. The rabbit Is eating a carrot
    8. My parents is so happy
    9. My product The best for seller
    10. i like playing games

  134. 1.the doctor treats their patients
    2.the pilot drives the plane
    3. the president leads the country
    4. the police destroy crime
    5. Chickens eat everything
    6. cats catch mice
    7. the rabbit eat carrot
    8. become a translator
    9. parents meet the needs of their children
    10. I like play piano

  135. Ben Adriel Dachi 7b
    1.The doctor treats the sick
    2.the pilot Lues the plane
    3.the president governs jos country
    4.the police guard public safety
    5.the chicken eat worms
    6.the cat is playing in the garden
    7.the rabbits eat carrots
    8.my parents work and take care of me
    9.the seller is promotion his product
    10.i am playing a game

  136. 1.the students do the home work
    2.The teacher teaches the students
    3.the dog likes to play
    4.the tiger hunts for a meal

  137. Velicia Vania
    Vii D
    1.The doctor treats the sick
    2.the pilot Lues the plane
    3.the president governs jos country
    4.the police guard public safety
    5.the chicken eat worms
    6.the cat is playing in the garden
    7.the rabbits eat carrots
    8.my parents work and take care of me
    9.the seller is promotion his product
    10.i am playing a game

  138. Samuel Maryanto 7C
    1.The Doctor Cure The Patient
    2.The Pilot Drive An Airplane
    3.The President Lead His Country
    4.The Police Protect Us
    5.The Chicken Likes Flap The Wings
    6.Cat Likes Scratching The Body
    7.Rabbit Like Jumping
    8.Our Parents Always Educate Us
    9.Seller Always Telling Their Product
    10.I Likes Playing Game

  139. Nama:William Alexander
    No urut:27

    1.-The doctor checks and treats the patient
    -The doctor heals the patient
    2.-The pilot flies the plane
    3.-the president leads the country
    4.-Police keep the country safe
    -Police guard traffic safety
    5.-The chickens like eat corn
    -The chickens incubating eggs
    6.-Cat like eat fish
    -Cat like catching mice
    7.-The rabbit likes to jump around
    8.-Our parents protect their children
    9.-The seller sell their product
    10.-I am reading books

  140. Willy alexander/7D
    1.-The doctor cures the patient
    -The doctor examine the patient
    2.-The pilot drives the plane
    -The pilot take passenger to their destinations
    3.-The president leads a country
    -The president governs a country
    4.-Police cacth criminals
    -Police keep the environment safe
    5.-The chickens lay eggs
    -The chickens crows every morning
    6.-The cat is licking its fur
    -Cat meows
    7.-Rabbit like eat carrots
    8.-Our parents protect their children
    -Our my parents always educate
    9.-The seller sell their product
    -The seller offers product to the buyer
    10.-i do my assisgment

  141. Velicia Vania
    Vii D
    1.-The doctor cures the patient
    -The doctor examine the patient
    2.-The pilot drives the plane
    -The pilot take passenger to their destinations
    3.-The president leads a country
    -The president governs a country
    4.-Police cacth criminals
    -Police keep the environment safe
    5.-The chickens lay eggs
    -The chickens crows every morning
    6.-The cat is licking its fur
    -Cat meows
    7.-Rabbit like eat carrots
    8.-Our parents protect their children
    -Our my parents always educate
    9.-The seller sell their product
    -The seller offers product to the buyer
    10.-i do my assisgment

  142. Endo Tanriki 7E B. Ing

    -The doctor diagnose and treat medical condition
    -The pilot driving a airplane
    -The president lead his country
    -The police catch criminals
    -The chickens playing together
    -The Cat eat a snack
    -The rabbit eat a carrots
    -My parents earn a -The seller sell a product
    -Do a homework

  143. 1 pilot works to fly the plane
    2. Doctors take care of patients in the hospital
    3. The president is responsible for his country
    4. Police to secure the road
    5. Chickens lay eggs
    6. Cats are very cute
    7. Rabbit hopping
    8. Our parents provide for us
    9. Traders sell all the items that are needed
    10. I am watching television1 pilot works to fly the plane
    2. Doctors take care of patients in the hospital
    3. The president is responsible for his country
    4. Police to secure the road
    5. Chickens lay eggs
    6. Cats are very cute
    7. Rabbit hopping
    8. Our parents provide for us
    9. Traders sell all the items that are needed
    10. I am watching television

    Yuni lorenza situmorang
    7 E b. Ingris

  144. Clara Feyoena

    -Doctors help treat or heal patients
    -Pilot helps fly the plane
    -president helps the country to advance
    -Chickens like to crow every morning or evening
    -Cats like to run around
    - rabbits often jump or eat carrots
    -A father earns a living and takes care of his children, a cooking mother can also look after or educate her children
    -Sell the products they sell
    -maraton or work on an unfinished task

  145. Dame Pane
    VII F

    1. The doctor look after people's health
    2. The pilot always flies and navigate airplanes
    3. A president is responsible for enforcing laws in a country
    4. A police usually prevent and investigate criminal activity
    5. The chickens crowing, feed on grain and lay eggs
    6. A cat likes to catch mice
    7. A Rabbit like to play and eat carrots
    8. My father works and my mother does household chores
    9. To sell and offering his merchandise/product
    10. I study, do homework and play

  146. Dewi Sriwinda Sitio
    VII D

    1. The doctors treat patients
    2. The pilot flies the plane
    3. The President protects the country
    4. Police guard, protect, and society
    5. The rooster crows
    6. The cat meows and licks its fur
    7. The rabbit is eating carrots
    8. Parents look after and care for us
    9. Seller, sells goods that are sold
    10. I'm working on an English assignment

  147. Richard Fortindo
    1.heal the sick
    2.The pilot flies by plane
    3.Protect his country
    4.The police guard the highway
    5.Chickens usually crow In the morning
    6.Cats usually meow
    7.Rabbits usually jump and eat carrots
    8.Parents work to support their families
    9.Selling what he owns
    10.Doing schoolwork, playing games, and playing sports

  148. Channia Virginita Sipahutar
    VII G

    1. The doctor cares and look for the patients
    2. The pilot fly the aeroplane
    3. The president manage the government system
    4. The police manage the traffic light
    5. The chickens find food to consume
    6. The cat attack the mice
    7. The rabbit jump on land
    8. Our parents work at the office
    9. The seller sell the goods
    10. I study some lessons

  149. Farel
    VII F
    -Rabbit likes to jump around
    -The cats do is be good pets.
    -Police job is to catch criminal
    -The chicken always crows every morning.
    -the dog barks a lot
    -monkey eat banana
    -the pilot landed the plane at the airport
    -mosquitoes suck blood
    -the hen warms its eggs
    -doctors treat patients

  150. Liana 7B
    1. What does the doctor do?
    • the doctor diagnoses the patient disease
    • the doctor provides a sickness certificate and a health certificate after examining the patient
    • the doctor prescribes medicine for the patient
    2. What does the pilot do?
    • the pilot is in charge of piloting the plane
    • the pilot always monitoring all airplane systems
    3. What does the president do?
    • president make suggestions about things that should be new laws.
    • president enforce the laws that Congress passes
    • president act as Commander-in-Chief during a war
    4. What does the police do?
    • the police to catch people who break the law
    • Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety
    • the police are on duty to investigate criminal activity
    5. What do the chickens do?
    • chickens eat worms and seeds
    • chickens like to scraping the ground
    • Chicken is always crowing in the morning
    6. What does a cat do?
    • Cats Love Scratching and Clawing
    • Cats love to play with yarn
    7. What does the rabbit do?
    • Rabbit like eat carrot
    • rabbits like to live in forests or in bushes
    8. What do our parents do?
    • my parents are always working
    9. What does a saller do?
    • the seller answers customer questions and recommends good products to customers
    10. What do you do?
    • I do my taks or study
    • i reading a book

  151. 1.the doctor help and examine his patients
    2.the pilot drive or pilot an airplane
    3.a president holds full responsibility for its society
    4.a police manage traffic
    5.the chickens the rooster crows in the morning and evening
    6.a cat playing all the time
    7.a rabbit hopping every day
    8.my parents look after her son
    9.a seller sell merchandise to buyers
    10.I am marathon every morning with my mom

  152. 1.the doctor help and examine his patients
    2.the pilot drive or pilot an airplane
    3.a president holds full responsibility for its society
    4.a police manage traffic
    5.the chickens the rooster crows in the morning and evening
    6.a cat playing all the time
    7.a rabbit hopping every day
    8.my parents look after her son
    9.a seller sell merchandise to buyers
    10.I am marathon every morning with my mom

  153. Name:Donna Clarisa Rosey Sinaga
    Class: 7F
    1. The doctor helps the patient to recover quickly
    2.the pilot is driving the airplane
    3.The President becomes the leader of the country so that his country is peaceful and prosperous
    4. The police protect US and maintain road safety
    5. Chicken often forage
    6. Cat often play
    7. The rabbits like to play and eat carrots
    8. The seller sells his goods in order to get money
    9. The parents work to earn money
    10. Do my home work


  154. Agnes imanuella permata
    1.the doctor cares and look for the patients
    2.the pilot fly the aeroplane
    3.the president manage government system
    4.police guard,protect, and society
    5.chickens eat Worms and seeds
    6.cats love to play with yarn
    7.the rabbits like to play and eat carrots
    8.our parents provide for us
    9.the seller is setting the things

  155. Agnes imanuella permata
    1.the doctor cares and look for the patients
    2.the pilot fly the aeroplane
    3.the president manage government system
    4.police guard,protect, and society
    5.chickens eat Worms and seeds
    6.cats love to play with yarn
    7.the rabbits like to play and eat carrots
    8.our parents provide for us
    9.the seller is setting the things
    10.do my home work

  156. Yuliana Agatha Saragih
    1.The doctor treats the patient.
    2.The pilot drives the plane.
    3.President leads the country.
    4.Police catch criminals.
    5.Chickens like to crow.
    6.Cats like to sleep.
    7.Rabbits like to eat vegetables.
    8.Take care their children
    9.The seller always promotes their products.
    10.Doing my task.

  157. Farel
    VII F

    1.The Doctor Cure The Patient
    2.The Pilot Drives An Airplane
    3.The President Lead His Country
    4.The Police Protect Us
    5.Chicken Likes Flap The Wing
    6.Cat Likes Scratching The Body
    7.Rabbit Likes Jumping
    8.Our Parents Always Educate Us
    9.Seller Always Telling Their Product
    10.I Likes Playing Game

  158. name: Syska Debora Sihura
    Class: 7F
    1.the doctor is in charge of treating and preventing the recurrence of the disease. So, the doctor will perform the examination, treatment and medical care of the patient with medical knowledge and a sense of humanity. Doctors also provide health consultations, so it's not just taking care of sick people.
    2.on a commercial flight, the pilot and co-pilot are in charge of piloting the plane while the flight attendants and flight attendants are in charge of ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers on the flight.
    3.the president discusses and drafts laws with the dpr, ministers are only elected and appointed by the president, the president passes the bill
    4.the police is a civilian public institution that maintains order, security and law enforcement throughout the territory of the country. The police are one of the important institutions that play the main task of guarding security, order and law enforcement, so that police agencies exist in all sovereign countries.
    5.chickens eat worms and seeds
    6.cats like to play with threads
    7.The rabbit will jump many times, move its body, shake its head, kick sideways, stomp its feet and spin. Those of you who have never seen binkying may think the rabbit is crazy or is sick.
    8.- Care for, nurture, protect, and educate children
    - Developing children according to their abilities, interests and talents
    - Prevent children from marrying at an early age
    - Provides character education and inculcation of children's character values
    9.sell merchandise, offer merchandise to buyers
    10.I do my schoolwork


    1.Doctors usually treat sick people
    6.THE CAT was scratching the wood

  160. Siba Sakti
    VII G
    1.doctor always ask about the patient disease
    2.the pilot flies the plane
    3.the president always leads the country
    4.police manage the traffic
    5.chicken always lay eggs
    6.the cat sleepd often
    7.the rabbits always jump
    8.our parents provide for us
    9.seller sell various kinds of good
    10.I often study

  161. Yuliana Agatha
    1.The doctor treants his patient
    2.the pilot is driving the airplane
    3.the president takes care of the country
    4.the police take care of us all
    5.chicken often forage
    6.cat often play
    7.rabbit eat carrots
    8.our parents always look after us
    9.seller always offer their sales
    10.I likes playing

  162. Siba Sakti
    VII G
    1.the doctor always ask about the patient disease
    2.the pilot flies the plane
    3.the president always leads the country
    4.the police manage the traffic
    5.the chicken always lay eggs
    6.the cat sleepd often
    7.the rabbits always jump
    8.our parents provide for us
    9.seller sell various kinds of good
    10.I often study

  163. Gabriel Aditiya
    1.the pilot flies the plane
    2chicken often faroge
    3 likes play
    4 seller sell various for US
    5rabbit eat carrats
    6 the cat sleepd often
    7 seller sell various Linda of good
    8 i am watching
    9 doing my task
    10 do my home work

  164. 1 What do doctors do to treat sick people
    2. What does a pilot do? Fly the plane
    3. What does a president do? Manage the people and advance the country where he is the president
    4. What do the police do to block criminal action
    5. What do the chickens do, eat the corn that their owner gives them
    6. What do cats do? Chase mice
    7. What does the Rabbit do? Jumping around
    8. What do our parents do, take care of us and earn a living
    9. What does the seller do? Sell and offer goods and food
    10. What do you do? Study

  165. 1 What do doctors do to treat sick people
    2. What does a pilot do? Fly the plane
    3. What does a president do? Manage the people and advance the country where he is the president
    4. What do the police do to block criminal action
    5. What do the chickens do, eat the corn that their owner gives them
    6. What do cats do? Chase mice
    7. What does the Rabbit do? Jumping around
    8. What do our parents do, take care of us and earn a living
    9. What does the seller do? Sell and offer goods and food
    10. What do you do? Study

  166. Finaldin Hulu
    1 What do doctors do to treat sick people
    2. What does a pilot do? Fly the plane
    3. What does a president do? Manage the people and advance the country where he is the president
    4. What do the police do to block criminal action
    5. What do the chickens do, eat the corn that their owner gives them
    6. What do cats do? Chase mice
    7. What does the Rabbit do? Jumping around
    8. What do our parents do, take care of us and earn a living
    9. What does the seller do? Sell and offer goods and food
    10. What do you do? Study

  167. Stevany nadine

    1.what do the police do? Arrest people who violate traffic rules
    2.what does the teacher do? Teach his pupils
    3.what does the dog? Take care of is master
    4.what do parents do? Teach/educate their children to became succesful people
    5.what do criminals do? Steal oppress people
    6.what did the president do? Goven the country
    7.what did the army? Do to protect the country
    8.what do ants do? Find food with other ants
    9.what do lions do? Look for food with his group


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