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Describing Something

In this section we are going to talk about " Descriptive text" absolutely.. be4, I want to ask u? have u known what is Descriptive text?  I think yess.. Descriptive text is about how to tell, to draw the readers about the things by characteristic which in, with details size, type, the variety and anything else.    in descriptive text is divided into some parts with details : Identification : Bagian pada paragraf pertama – tujuannya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sesuatu yang ingin dideskripsikan atau digambarkan. Penjelasan mudahnya, indentification berfungsi untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang objek atau sesuatu yang akan kita gambarkan atau tampilan luar yg umum sebelum kita beritahu tentang sifat-sifatnya. Tujuannya agar jangan sampai pembaca salah orang. Kita mau menggambarkan mobil misalnya, tapi pembaca mengiranya motor. Contoh: kamu diminta untuk menggambarkan mobil barumu, maka isi identification-nya adalah: My father buys me a new car. it is from Ital

The clues

Hello my students is your day? where have u been in spending ur holiday.. before the main point,  let me to say gong xii...gong xii..angpao na lai....hahhaha.JK Well, try to fill ur free time in reading ur bright book "Page 110-118". get ur understanding coz That's for our next test's material. Thanks, YNWA.

what is article for the suitable noun phrase??

to respond our material before...answer these questions by the suitable words.! 1. .......... of expensive shoes 2. ...........beautiful woman 3. a comb of .................... 4. ............. bitter chocolate 5. .............. of spicy soup 6. ............ wild lion 7. ............. orange juice 8. a slice of .............. 9. .... extreme rock 10. ...... nice person Good luck. ! cee yaa

Present tense

Simple Present what we should call simple present tense?? that is about the simple one, hahhhaaha. do not think more than a second, sure it directly, let me give u the clue  Present tense digunakan untuk : 1. menyatakan profesi, ciri khas dan sifat ataupun bentuk 2. menerangkan sebuah kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berulang, seperti kegiatan Rutin atau aktivitas sehari hari.  sehingga Present tense menggunakan kata keterangan waktu sbb : keterangan Lanjutan : 1. subject ( Person, things, animal, Names, number of group and etc what is known as Noun) + to be + object compliment (depends on you, it can be adjective, occupation, adverb and etc) 1. menyatakan profesi, ciri khas dan sifat ataupun bentuk for examples : I am a doctor She is a nurse He is a policeman = occupation I am Fantastic, they are friendly My father is awesome (adjective=sifat) 2 . Subject ( I, you, we, they, and more than one   ) + V1 + Object Compliment u should think the verb first 3. Subject


Now we are talking about telling time the ways :  1. Minutes first, hour then 2. if a minute - 30 u should think past example : 1.30 - thirty past one 3. if 31 minutes - 59 u should say it to, ( 60 minutes minus the minutes tell, and then say the result to (what hour next) example : 2.49 ( 60 minus 49 = 11) it is eleven to three (the next hour after two. indonesian 6.10 : Six ten 7.30 : Seven thirty 9.45 : Nine Forty five 10.09 : Ten to nine Kemudian, Anda dapat menceritakan menitnya terlebih dahulu dan kemudian mengucapkan jamnya. Perhatikanlah contoh berikut ini : 05.10 : Ten past five 07.20  : Twenty past seven 09.25 : Twenty five past nine Untuk menit 31 sampai dengan 59 Anda menggunakan to. Contoh : 5.35 : Twenty five to six (Jam 6 kurang 25 menit) 8.50 : Ten to nine (Jam 10 kurang 10) 10.45 : Fifteen to eleven (Jam 11 kurang 15) Untuk 30 menit, pada bahasa Inggris disebut half dan 15 menit disebut a quarter. Perhatikan contoh berikut i


The first step how to built a sentence, that way is you should know the subject first.